Welcome to room 30!
My classroom is really an extension of my home, and there are many days I spend more time here than anywhere else. I love creating a space that I love, that my students love, and that we can learn and grow in. Together.
Over time, things switch out and seating options might change but I hope it is always a place that makes us all smile each day.

When you enter our room, this is the view. Granted, the furniture arrangement is apt to change but for the most part, this is a great set up that works really well for us.
We have 20 traditional desks and this has been a perfect fit, as I can have anywhere from 32-34 students. It gives students a good option, while also leaving a lot of room for flexibility. Plus, removing 14 desks gave us back a TON of space, which was really important to me.
I try and sprinkle the artificial Ikea plants on tables because it just gives it a homey feel, which I love.

Now that you’ve entered, if you turn left, we have a sink (not pictured) and built-in cabinets (amazing). The top is a counter, which lends itself to seating for two students. They love sitting here, and the fluffy pillows from Walmart don’t hurt either!
I use the cabinets below this counter to store games, paint, and extra textbooks or supplies. I don’t really access these daily, which is good because when kids sit there, they aren’t super easy to reach.
The tall cabinets run the rest of the length of the wall and they’re amazingly deep and I use every inch.

You can see the cabinets; we try to use the front of them as space to hang anchor charts or posters. They hold our Must Do and May Do boards (which I hang up with Command strips), as well as our 40 Book Challenge rings.
You can also see that I try and vary the chair options. While we have 20 traditional desks (with the actual desks turned IN so they aren’t accessible; read more on storage solutions HERE), I only have twelve traditional chairs.
YEARS ago, I wrote a Donors Choose grant and was able to acquire swivel chairs, which are still a class favorite.

Then, we come to the back wall, which is my very favorite part of the whole room. It’s unique that I have a whole wall and I appreciate that I’m able to stack these bookcases to form a library.
A couple years ago, I switched from Target bookcases to these Billy bookcases from Ikea and it was SUCH A GOOD MOVE. I had to save up a bit but they are so much sturdier and I haven’t had to repair any with duct tape and good wishes. Ha!
There is a white board here but because it’s in the back, I don’t use it as a writing space. It does hold our world map, which you can read more about HERE.

If you’re looking to organize your class library, I shared more in THIS post, which will be helpful for you.
I do have paint sticks that separate the letters but honestly, they’re unnecessary because of THESE labels from my friend Molly, over at Lessons with Laughter. The labels have been a total game changer for organization and student accountability to return books to the proper places.
Also, you’ll see our writing wall, where we hang up published pieces. Currently, you can see my very favorite writing of all time, which is the Best Part of Me. If you’re interested in that project, I have it for you HERE.

The back of the room is also where I’ve taped together (with duct tape) three polka dot rugs from Ikea. It spans the whole back and provides a work space for students. We have this tall table, our BENCH, and the yellow table pictured first in this post.
They love having this area and I do, too. If you can peek behind the tall table, you’ll see our little calming corner. Kids can go back here anytime they want; it contains the feelings we built and discussed during morning meetings. If you’re interested in grabbing those, you can pick them up HERE.

Now, on the other end of the library wall, we keep our rolling cart. When students finish a book, they drop it here and the class librarians will shelve it again. Sometimes, they’ll even wheel the cart the length of the wall and it makes my heart burst because they take their class job so seriously. If you want to learn more about our class jobs and economy, click HERE to read how we manage it.
You can also see the door, which leads to my neighbor’s class. I love him and I love that we get to share our space because having a teacher bestie next door is icing on the cake!

When I moved in to this room, I hung this cute white ruffled curtain panel and put a mirror on the door (again, Command strips) because I really love for our space to have elements of home.
The back corner also holds our laptop cart. My custodian was able to run the cord and a cord protector so that I’m able to utilize this little corner and plug in the devices behind a bookcase.
I also have another door that leads outside, to a huge and gated grassy area. We are SUPER lucky to have this space and kids love to bring their books or work outside.

Then we come to the next wall, which is gloriously all windows and cubbies. I do not take this for granted. During the day, those counters serve as seats for anywhere from 3-5 students. Before they leave for the day, all book boxes get put back on the counter, in number order.

As well as cubbies, I use these awesome baskets from Big Lots to store supplies that students might need. We also have our self-reflection baskets here; we use these for exit tickets or completed work turn in.

My desk and work area is next up, right in the corner near the front. I have my laptop, printer, and document camera here. I like it because when I stand up here to use the document camera, my back isn’t to anyone. It works great for us.
My desk is from Ikea and the white bookcase is Target, which holds our picture books.

I try and keep everything I need within close reach, and since this is right by the white boards, I also keep our dry erase makers up here.

Once you’re at my table and pivot, you’re smack in the front of the room. Next to the library, this is my favorite spot and also the place I meet my students for our daily meetings. Our stage is from Classy Stages and doubles as storage, which is perfect for reams of paper.
Once students unpack each morning, they join us here and we launch our day.

For morning meetings, they primarily sit on the rug but are also allowed to move around our Otto stools or Ikea stools.
I love having everything accessible so that students can make their own choices. It’s not an easy thing but it’s very, very much worth it.

These bungee chairs from Target and definitely student faves, and they’ve held up so well. I love that low white coffee table but I can’t find it on Amazon anymore. Such a bummer!
Underneath the table, we store floor cushions, which are from Ikea and are awesome.

And finally, our last corner holds our small group area. I put together two Ikea tables to form a space-saving kidney-ish table. Students will just pull up those stacked Ikea stools (are we seeing a pattern with the Ikea purchases?!) to work with me.
This area is NOT available for flexible seating because I need it open for whenever small group or one-on-one time is possible.
And there you have it! My home-away-from-home and a place that holds so many memories.
Do I spend my own money on all this? Yes, I do and my husband is incredibly supportive. Teaching is not only my passion but decorating is my hobby. I love finding things that make our space pop, or make it engaging, or make it a place kids look forward to entering.

Thanks for following along on the tour! If you have any questions, leave it in the comment section below so we can chat!
To shop many of these items, visit my storefront HERE!

I love your room!! What are the circles with the student numbers on them attached to your clothespins to display student work?
Love your classroom space!!! You can definitely tell that you are passionate about kids and teaching. Thanks for sharing with us. Where is your iPad/laptop cart from?
Thank you! Your classroom is truly inspiring and a home away from home for students.
Thanks for sharing with us. Your classroom is amazing. I love it!
I appreciate your share!!! I love getting new ideas from you. Can you tell me about your projector? I'm trying to get a wall mounted one and I"m not sure what direction to go in. I plan to start morning meetings and I think this could be a game changer. Thank you!!
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